Mother nature must be a Libra

Apparently mother nature is a Libra like me. One of the characteristics of a libra being “indecisive and changeable.” this weather this winter has been all over the map. Freezing rain one day, sunny and 60 he next, snowing and cold after that and so on. The variations in weather this winter have actually made this an
excellent training year. This has allowed for a lot of running, a lot of Nordic skiing, and time for making snowmen, sledding and also splashing around in rain puddles with the kids.

Snow today, Spring tomorrow! (Sustainable Athlete at Bretton Woods Nordic Center)

As they say in New England, “If you don’t like the weather wait a minute.

The fluctuating weather makes it extra hard (being a libra) to figure out what to wear pre-workout. I often end up frozen like a Popsicle or sweating like a pig.

Hot! Hot! Hot!

But getting outside is essential for the Vitamin D and the Fresh air even if it means going for a run in a snowsuit (ha!).

2 things to remember when running in New England to deal with the weather:

1. Dress like an onion-Layer, layer, layer!

Layers for changing temps

2. KISS layering (used by hikers) which is a 4 layer system

KISS to stay warm or cool as needed
KISS to stay warm or cool as needed

The other day we received a gift from Mother Nature, an amazing 60 degree, sunny, cloudless sky-filled day. I didn’t have a long workout planned however who can resist going outside for hours on a day like that. Plus in New Hampshire after the cold dark winter 60 feels hot and incredible!

I ended up running a fast 9.4 mile loop with my friends Jenny (and baby T in the Chariot) and Jenny in beautiful Franconia, NH.

Since I am currently following a specific training plan from my coach Denise I felt as though I might get in trouble for adding the extra miles. But, I just couldn’t help myself. Is this a true sign of a running addict?

I just had to . . . It was t-shirt and running skirt weather. Wouldn’t you???

First skirt run of the season! (March 8, 2012)
I mean just look at this day!
Perfect New Hampshire Day

Running to Middle Earth

Peace. Tranquility. Fresh air.

A surprise run to “Middle Earth” aka the Franconia trails today was exhilarating and just what was needed. B. and I headed out for a 1:40 minute road run today and were both feeling pretty tired/blah about the run when we started but the entire mood of the run changed when we found the entrance to the trails in Franconia.

The switch to the soft footing of the snowy trails was a welcome change from the cold pavement. It was gorgeous in the woods. Light snow falling and frosted trees lining the trail.


Even Nanook, B.’s Husky appeared excited by our find as he bounded off through the snow.




This was the perfect running adventure! What is your favorite running adventure?