Pumped up kicks

New Year=new kicks.
Whenever I am back on the Main Line I always head straight to my favorite running store ‘Bryn Mawr Running Company’ (brynmawrrunningco.com/) of the sales people are runners and know what’s best when it comes to shoes. Plus they have an in-store treadmill so you can take your kicks for a spin pre-purchase.

Foster The People – Pumped Up Kicks from Foster The People on Vimeo.

They were the first to get me hooked in my Brooks Adrenaline GTS (roadrunnersports.com/rrs/products/BRK1065/) running shoes. The bonus is they come in a 2AA with a giant footbridge for overpronators like me. They have been the solution for shin splint protection. The one drawback to having a narrow foot is there is no color choice (although this can be solved with a wild pair of socks.)

I took my new shoes for a 12 miler last night with my friend Bridget from Passumpsic, VT to Danville, VT and back. Great traction on snow covered dirt roads. And there is nothing better than the soft cushioning of a new pair of kicks!

What do you run in?

Bryn Mawr Running Company
Sweet Kicks-Brooks Aderenaline GTS 12