Running skirt addiction

So I have to admit I am a total running skirt addict! No more running shorts for me. Give me a running skirt, in any color and I am a happy chick. This week I was surprised to receive a package from my friend Michele (read more about Michele and her awesome athletic endeavors on her blog She is an inspirational athlete who has completed several Ironmans as well as many marathons, half marathons and other races including running Boston this year in the sweltering heat followed by another Marathon three weeks later in California where she ran another Boston Qualifying Time (Go Michele!).

I was super excited to open the package having a great guess as to what might be inside. Feeling like a kid at Christmas I tore open the package and discovered an awesome Skirt Sports Marathon Chick  in Pink Crush with Pow Print Spankies underneath.

Skirt Sports Marathon Chick

Michele had given me my first running skirt several years ago and continues to fuel my addiction to the comfort and the fast feel. As I said in an earlier post (You’ve been chicked!), it is always super sweet to fly by a guy on the race course while wearing a skirt!

This new skirt looks super fast and I love the bright pink. It also has a nice large zipper pocket on the back, the perfect place for storing my GU.  I am still contemplating my marathon day race apparel and this new skirt is definitely in the running (Ha!Ha!).

Thanks you so much for thinking of me Michele and for being one of my strong inspirations! I hope to be as fast as you on the course!

Game Faces
Mini Marathon Chick

Chicks on the mountain

I’ve been missing wearing my skirts this winter for racing. Today I felt like being a kick-a$$ chick on the mountain so I pulled out my favorite gym girl ultra Skirt Sports in purple haze.

It was a beautiful winter morning. A low hanging crescent moon guided us (with a few “Bridget” detours) to Pats Peak in Henniker, NH.

The sun was warm today peeking over the top of the course as we climbed to the top of the mountain not once but twice (4 miles total). The race was awesome today. I am feeling much stronger when climbing and focused on staying relaxed and loose. Plus I focused on my own race a rhythm of running today and didn’t worry about time. There are some dynamic super fast women at these races which makes for an extra great challenge.

I don’t know my finish time yet but felt great especially the second time around. Plus someone even complemented me on my skirt as I ran into the finish. The added bonus was a giant breakfast at the pancake house post race. More post race laughter with the best running friends.







“You’ve been chicked!”

"You've been chicked!"

Okay, so I am a total convert to the running skirt. When women in running skirts first started appearing at races I must say I may have mocked them a      bit and was unsure if I would ever wear one out for a run. Then one day my friend Michele, an amazing inspiration athlete  who has competed in many Ironman races ( sent me my first running skirt in the mail. This skirt is now one of my favorites. It is the ‘Gym Girl Ultra’ from Skirt Sports ( and the pattern is ‘Sweet Tattoo’ (I  think).  My first major ‘public’ appearance in my skirt was at the Reach the Beach Relay, NH. Still being a little modest about the decision to wear a skirt while running I wore it for my night leg, and  was accessorized with my sweet ‘flasher’ vest and my night vision (petzl headlamp).

Now this is a fashion trend worth sharing

Now I don’t want to wear anything else when I run.  As a mom, running skirts are great because they are super comfortable and I can go straight from a run to pre-school, to the co-op, to the garden, while still looking girly and cute (albeit usually very sweaty which may detract from the fashion statement. Ha!).  For me I have discovered that the wilder a prettier the skirt the better.  My most favorite skirts are the ‘gym girl ultra’ in ‘purple haze’

Purple Haze

and the ‘kendall daisy lotta breeze capris’ which is better on colder days.

Kendall Daisy

To make the skirt even more appealing, my sister sent me an article from the NY Times title “Running Skirts Go Girly” in which  Erica Sara Neuman, 33 is quoted as saying, “There’s something fun about running past a guy,” Ms. Neuman said.“They call that chicking a guy. You run past them, they get upset. You’re in a skirt, they get even more upset.”  ( It’s awesome to feel fast as a female runner and to feel inspired and empowered. I especially love the term “chicking a guy” since my runner friends and I now often compete in races as “The Pete and Gerry’s Organic Chicks.”

So now the question is . . .What is your running style?

Organic Chicks