Virtual Run for Sherry Arnold on Saturday, February 11th.

Why do you run? I run for peace and solitude, for stress relief, for the endorphin rush, for energy, for balance in life,  for joy, for freedom . . . too many reasons to count. Sherry Arnold, of Sidney, Montana went out for a morning run as usual perhaps for the reasons that many of us run and instead of finding peace or solitude she was abducted and murdered and never returned home to her loving family, and school community in which she worked. The story of this inspirational teacher, mom, wife, and runner hit the national media and has saddened and impacted the running community. Now many members of the running community will be joining together in Sherry’s memory.

Please join in the ‘Virtual Run for Sherry Arnold‘ on Saturday, February 11th  as a way to help remember Sherry’s life. For more information please take at look at her cousin, runner Beth Risdon’s blog, “Shut Up and Run

Run and remember and please stay safe!

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