
I completed 17.35 miles yesterday in 3:04:26 with 2,177 feet of elevation gain as a part of my marathon training for the VT City Marathon. The run was extra challenging due to the fact that we ran mostly on trails and had some serious climbing to do along the way. I am working on fueling for race day and found that I definitely need more calories during the run. At around 14 miles in I started feeling “bonky” which is probably equivalent to crashing into the wall somewhere between 18 and 20 miles at the marathon.  I hope to get my fueling plan all figured out pre-race day to help me “climb” over the wall.  During the run I had to push through it since we began a serious ascent at mile 14 as we ran/power hiked up to the top of Bear Claw.  The climb and the push to the top was worth it though and I felt re-energized by the accomplishment of powering through a tough moment during the run.  This was a moment of digging deep.  We all put our heads down and the run became silent except for the sounds of breathing and the crunching of leaves underfoot.

Run Stats
View from the Top of Bear Claw

The views of Franconia Notch and the valleys below were amazing! The morning was crisp and clear and the energy of our group was high. I ran with my friends who motivate and inspire me with their enthusiasm and desire to just get out there and run and not question a challenge. My friend Bridget constantly buzzes with energy and seems to have endless power and speed. My friend Jenny taking a break from adventure racing to be a mom has strength within and drive to push hard. 4 months post-baby she is back at it and her running seems effortless. Today we were also accompanied by Gabe my friend Joanna’s husband and now proud father of two wonderful kids. Gabe has a quiet energy and positivity and fit perfectly with our group.I feel lucky to be able to run with this group and aspire to run like they do. The one common trait of these amazing athletes is the ability to not over think and to just run.

Gabe and his babes
More of Gabe and his babes!

Accomplishing this 17 mile run with these strong and intense athletes gives me the motivation to work harder. Plus running with my friends always has moments of laughter which keep things light along the way!

A moment of laughter on our run as Nanook needed to be carried across this bridge.

Accept the Challenge


I am officially underway with my marathon training so how appropriate that I ran past Training Field Lane today in Sugar Hill, NH. The run today was tough. A progression run with the pace picking up every ten minutes. I picked a hilly loop with sweeping views of Franconia Notch, rolling dirt roads, and of course a long climb up Sugar Hill up to the Sunset Hill House

This run challenged me physically and mentally. My legs are feeling the after effects of the mountain race last weekend and the interval workout the other night. My mind is reading the fatigue in my legs which is translating into internal defeat. I need to keep remembering to not over think and to keep my body relaxed.

Training runs that are tough on the mind are key to a successful performance on race day. It is so important practicing pushing through both the mental and physical walls.

How do you push through your challenges?


I finished the run today although I could have used one of these gondolas to carry me to the top and some Polly’s Pancakes to power through.




The challenge is on!
